Wednesday, February 24, 2010

With my blog I took a pretty straightforward approach. I primarily posted photographs from current or past assignments, although they were not posted under such a context. Because they were posted under such an ambiguous context it didn’t seem like I was just posting my entire assignments. Instead I tried to post with a purpose. I posed questions and exhibited work I was unsure about. I even posted work that I hated.

Beyond the assignment photographs I posted some images that were meaningful to me. I posted pictures of home, my dogs, and even my car. This portion helped keep me from getting too home sick

I also posted work that has really affected the way I shoot. In posting others works it helped bring their style to the for-front of my mind. Typically I don’t do too much browsing of others work. In this way it forced me to search out images ingrained in my memory, and look at more work from the same or similar photographer. In turn, this helped me understand why I shoot the way I do. In the end this was definitely a positive exercise. I hope I can find it within me to continue with this blog.

1 comment:

  1. George,
    You did a good job with the blog, but I wish it was more consistent over the quarter. Posting work that influences you is very important. I'm in total agreement on that!

    Good luck next quarter!
