Wednesday, February 24, 2010

With my blog I took a pretty straightforward approach. I primarily posted photographs from current or past assignments, although they were not posted under such a context. Because they were posted under such an ambiguous context it didn’t seem like I was just posting my entire assignments. Instead I tried to post with a purpose. I posed questions and exhibited work I was unsure about. I even posted work that I hated.

Beyond the assignment photographs I posted some images that were meaningful to me. I posted pictures of home, my dogs, and even my car. This portion helped keep me from getting too home sick

I also posted work that has really affected the way I shoot. In posting others works it helped bring their style to the for-front of my mind. Typically I don’t do too much browsing of others work. In this way it forced me to search out images ingrained in my memory, and look at more work from the same or similar photographer. In turn, this helped me understand why I shoot the way I do. In the end this was definitely a positive exercise. I hope I can find it within me to continue with this blog.

missing ma car


It's a duck.
Get it?

From the 1st quarter

I took this photo in the first quarter
I was just looking at it again
and the ground line for the shed/garage
seems to be skewed
but the roof line is perfectly horizontal
Does that mean the roof is slanted?

From New Topographics

When we went to the Eastman House to see the 'New Topographics'
exhibit, my favorite photographer being shown was Lewis Baltz
We watched a video last week about one the other NT photographers so
it made me want to revisit these photo's.
When he takes a photo, it seems like he puts a lot of work into the composition,
specifically the location and orientation of the camera. He also likes to photograph
architecture, which is one of my preferred subjects. It frightens me how well these
are composed. That's something I want to take from his style.



Film Project

This photo was from the film project in the first quarter
I really like it, but a problem came up after I scanned it
The photo was to small, I think I may have put the ppi to low
Or something like that


Dorm life continues


Can't wait to get back
although I'd be dreaming if I thought it looked like that now

Jim Richardson

I came across Richardson's photography in a National Geographic magazine a few years ago.
The piece he did in the magazine was about the flint hills in the middle-west.
They are some of my favorite images.

more specifically these photo's


Was cleaning my lens and accidentally snapped a photo
I like it

Lonely cup

I found this cup
sitting by itself
on the edge of a field
very lonely cup

The original


I liked this better it color
but it the rest of the project was in gray scale


I really dislike this image

Eugene richards

Richards is one of my favorite photographers
His photographs convey the darkest depths of the human condition
I dont know how he does it

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010